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Z key for the jump, A for the attack, Enter for Pause, arrows to move (up, down, left, right)

Rastan birth of king, is an unofficial fan made game based on "Rastan saga", which was released in 1988 on Sega Master system.


This game is currently under development.

Remember the old days of Arcade? During the late 80’s, then later on console there came an unlicensed Conan game that rocked… it was Rastan. For the pixel lovers who want to know everything about Rastan, you guys are more than welcome to visit this web site: (website in French).


Well, I was two years old when the game first came out but I got to play it when I was eight, on my brother’s console, the famous SEGA Master System! Don’t need to mention that it was sensational. It’s true that the controls (the jumps!!!) were terrible but the environment was captivating. It was epic, raw and bloody! Only equipped with underwear and a big weapon, everything was great: the levels, the castles and the traps. There was a boss at the end of each level and not some lousy ones. They were black knights, sorcerers, dragons… Anyways, that was something. Way before Dungeon & Dragons, the Lord of the Rings and whatnot had come back, there was Rastan !


Time has passed; video games have evolved has the cinema, the comics, cartoons, paintings…along with the method used. Remarkable works never die.

Nostalgia is not always the answer; video games that we liked one day, will always feel good to us.

That might be the reason why, I am still taking the Master System out of its box, from time to time, to set it up along the next-gen consoles, in order to play some Rastan.


What happened next is kind of sad …. I was innocently looking up if there were any sequels for that incredible Rastan game. I was so eager to keep playing the adventure of Rastan.

As a matter of fact, there were sequels to the franchise, but I’ll be honest with you, they suck.

Rastan II is ugly, terrible and lame !


Rastan III, not that ugly, not that bad… but he is not the one that I’ve known. It’s more like a fancy Golden Axe but still not as good.

In other words, I’ve got frustrated by these two sequels!


In the mean time, I became a full-time video creator and I have decided to take charge of creating THE sequel for Rastan, to build a game that I would have loved to play.


A sequel worth of the name Rastan.

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